"The Kapiti Women's Centre gave me back my confidence - it's as simple as that."

Second Oil Painting Class added

Our Friday oil painting class filled up so fast, that we are squeezing in another one on Wednesdays! This class will cover the same material, but will instead be run as 3 long classes (instead of the 6 short classes). As it’s a last minute squeeze into the timetable, it will be run fortnightly instead of weekly.

Details: Oil Painting for Beginners: “Using water-based oils (virtually no odour), we will produce several small works including a small landscape and floral image. A chance to make this versatile medium your friend!”

3 x Wednesdays 9.30am-1pm

Fortnightly, on May 28th, June 11th, and June 25th 2014.

$30 including all materials.

I hope this pleases those who’ve missed out, or those who have been asking for an art class on a different day of the week for a change!! :) Phone 902 6222 to register your interest!




Posted: April 14, 2014
Categories: Uncategorized