"I am helping myself with the support and help of the counsellor."

Centre Workers

Busy! Busy! Busy!

We now have a microwave in our meeting room. Thanks to Sue and Julianne for putting up the shelf and fixing our clothing cupboard selves, what would we do without you!!

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Sculpture Completion Day


After a day of terrible weather at Hui, our garden sculptures are now complete!  What a wonderful day was had by all who participated in finishing them off, check out our Facebook page to view more photos and come down to our Centennial Garden and see our beautiful sculptures in place.

Street Appeal Friday 16 October

Street Appeal Pic 2015

Our annual Street Appeal will be underway on Friday 16th October.  Please give generously when you see our collectors about, and if your heading down to the Paraparaumu Beach Market on Saturday watch out for our collectors there as well, fill our buckets and support our wonderful centre on the Kapiti Coast.   If you miss our collectors you can donate via this website.  Thanks for your support!

Centre Worker Volunteer Training

Volunteers are the heart and soul of KWC.  Centre Workers participate in a thorough training programme that has several parts.  Firstly, you attend an orientation session to learn more about the role (dates on the reverse of this flyer).  Secondly, there is an 8 session training programme with 6 half days, and 2 full days of training.  This training includes practical support skills and discussion of issues affecting women in our community.  Part three is practical – learning about the ins and outs of the Centre.  Lastly, you will take on a weekly shift at the Centre, supported by an experienced collective member.  Towards the end of the each year, we have a celebration to welcome the graduates to our team.

If you are interested in becoming a Centre Worker, either contact the Centre, or come along to the orientation training February 17th starting at 12.30 – 2pm.  Contact the Centre for more details.


KWC Banquet 2014

We had a wonderful night on Saturday with our annual banquet.  The centre was decorated beautifully and the food was lovely, thanks to our HUB committee for all their hard work making this happen.  To all the women who attended, you looked absolutely sensational!!  A great night was had by all, thanks to all the volunteers and staff that have contributed to making this centre run as smoothly as it does, have a great Christmas and safe New Year.
